휴스턴 최고 병원, 드론 배송 서비스 도입으로 눈길 ‘FLIGHT’
1 min read
이미지 출처:https://houston.culturemap.com/news/innovation/memorial-hermann-hospital-zipline-drone/
Houston’s Memorial Hermann Hospital is now utilizing drones to transport medical supplies between its buildings, a first-of-its-kind program for any hospital in the United States. The hospital has partnered with a company called Zipline to operate the drones, which are capable of flying up to 75 miles per hour and can transport items such as blood samples, medications, and other vital supplies.
This new program is designed to increase efficiency and reduce the time it takes for medical supplies to travel between buildings on the hospital’s sprawling campus. By using drones instead of relying on traditional methods such as walking or driving, Memorial Hermann hopes to improve patient outcomes and ultimately save lives.
The hospital conducted a successful test flight of the drones last week, with plans to officially launch the program in the coming weeks. Onlookers were impressed by the drones’ speed and precision, and hospital staff are excited about the possibilities that this new technology will bring.
Memorial Hermann Hospital is leading the way in using cutting-edge technology to provide the best possible care for its patients. With the introduction of drone transportation, the hospital is sure to continue setting the standard for innovation in the healthcare industry.