“보스턴에서 ‘편안한 삶’을 살기 위해 많은 돈을 벌어야 한다고 새로운 연구가 밝혀냈다”
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이미지 출처:https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/you-need-make-lot-money-live-comfortably-boston-new-study-says/QRXTMIDFEZCWZNQRZ6ARJWIBJQ/
According to a new study, living comfortably in Boston requires earning a substantial income. The study, conducted by personal finance website SmartAsset, found that in order to cover necessary expenses and have some discretionary income left over, a resident in Boston would need to earn a annual salary of at least $138,284.
The study factored in expenses such as housing, transportation, food, and healthcare in order to determine the income needed for a comfortable lifestyle in the city. With rising costs of living in Boston, many residents may find it challenging to make ends meet without a high-paying job.
The high cost of living in Boston is not unique to the city, as many urban areas across the country are experiencing similar challenges. For residents of Boston, this study serves as a reminder of the importance of financial planning and saving in order to achieve a comfortable standard of living in the city.