January 8, 2025

시애틀에서 1만명의 아마존 직원이 떠남에 따라 회사는 벨뷰에 기업 직원을 추가했다.

1 min read

이미지 출처:https://www.kuow.org/stories/seattle-lost-10-000-amazon-employees-in-4-years-bellevue-gained

According to a recent article, Seattle has lost approximately 10,000 Amazon employees over the past four years. Many of these employees have made the move to Bellevue, where they have found employment opportunities with the tech giant. This shift in employment has had a significant impact on both cities, with Seattle seeing a decrease in tax revenue and Bellevue experiencing growth and development. The reasons for this exodus of workers from Seattle to Bellevue are not yet clear, but it is clear that Bellevue is quickly becoming a major player in the tech industry. As more and more tech companies establish a presence in Bellevue, it is likely that the city will continue to see an increase in job opportunities and economic growth in the coming years.